Computer Studies Practice Tests – Networking

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  1. You are to attempt 5 random objectives questions ONLY.
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  3. You can attempt as many times as possible. New set of 5 objective questions will be supplied on each attempt.

Study the diagram below:

Identify the part labelled I. (WASSCE 2019)

A. firewall     B. modem     C. Internet     D. Switch

Study the figure below:

What is the role of the part labelled I in the figure above? (WASSCE 2019)

A. Interpreter      B. Medium      C. Receiver      D. Source

Which of the following is not a component of a computer network? (NECO 2015)

A. Client      B. Network      C. Programmer      D. Protocols

Mr. Francis has an office complex with 20 rooms. What type of network is suitable for connecting all the computers in their various rooms into a single network? (WASSCE 2021)

A. LAN      B. MAN      C. PAN      D. WAN

The rules for exchanging data on a network are known as ________ (WASSCE 2016)

A. transmission rules.      B. transfer rules.     C. protocols.      D. configurations.


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