Literature In English Practice Tests (General Literary Principles)

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Cast in a play refers to ______

A. all the actors
B. three of the actors
C. a few of the actors
D. an exclusive social class in the play


Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of ______

A. movement and gesture for the screen and audience
B. speech, movement and gesture for the stage only
C. speech, movement and gesture for the stage, screen and radio
D. speech, gesture and movement for the screen and radio.


'I am informed the day recycles itself today
When I slept in the Lord in February .
I blame no one for an untimely death
I bless God for a noble departure- His words
The Lord taketh the righteous away before evil

The lines above express ______

A. procreation     B. Anniversary     C. resurrection     D. incarnation


A deliberate imitation of a literary style with the intention to ridicule is ______

A. paradox     B. prosody    C. pun     D. parody


'I am informed the day recycles itself today
When I slept in the Lord in February .
I blame no one for an untimely death
I bless God for a noble departure- His words
The Lord taketh the righteous away before evil

The persona in the poem appear happy to have died _____

A. during the day    B. a noble death    C. an untimely death     D. at an old age



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