UTME CBT FREE Practice Test – Biology (Questions with Answers and Explanations)

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I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water
II. Test tube containing cane sugar and dilute acid
III. Test tube containing cane sugar and its degrading enzyme

In which of the test tubes will glucose be detected after complete hydrolysis?

A. I only.   B. I, II and III.   C. I and II only.   D. II and III only.


The dent formula above represents that of

A. an omnivore.   B. a detritus feeder.   C. a carnivore.   D. a herbivore.


Which of the following distinguishes a butterfly from a moth?

A. They have similar antennae
B. The abdomen of moth is fatter than that of butterfly
C. The wings of butterfly rest horizontally but those of moth rest vertically
D. Both are active during the day


The influence of soil on organisms in a habitat is referred to as _______

A. edaphic.   B. physiographic.   C. biotic.   D. topographic.


Ability of the human eye to focus images accurately on the retina is called

A. astigmatism     B. myopia.      C. adjustment.      D. accommodation


The male reproductive organ of a flower is the _______

A. Petal   B. Sepal   C. Carpel   D. Stamen


A woman with blood group A gives birth to a child with blood group O. Which of the following blood groups cannot belong to the father?

A. A      B. B      C. AB      D. O


Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?

A. Deionized water.   B. Hypertonic solution.   C. Hypotonic solution.   D. lsotonic solution.


The primary and secondary hosts respectively of bilharzia are

A. fish and man    B. man and dog   C. snail and man    D. man and snail.


The structure of the cell membrane is a

A. double layer and a double protein layer.
a. middle bi-layer of protein with a lipid layer on either surface.
C. middle bi-layer of lipid with a protein layer on either surface.
D. protein layer with two inner lipid layers


Which class of fruit does the diagram represent?

A. Achene     B. Berry     C. Cypsela     D. Drupe


Which of the following is a feature of the population pyramid of a developing country?

A. Low death rate.   B. Short lifespan.   C. Long lifespan.   D. Low birth rate.


To which blood group do universal recipients belong?

A. O   B. AB   C. B   D. A


Which of the following parts of the eye is sensitive to light?

A. Choroid layer   B. Cornea    C. Optic nerve     D. Retina


The appendicular skeleton is made up of the ______

A. limbs    B. skull and limbs     C. girdles and limbs     D. ulna and radius


The part labelled I is _______

A. anus.    B. chaeta.    C. clitellum.    D. mouth.


Which of the following is the simplest living organism?

A. Amoeba   B. Chlamydomonas   C. Paramacium   D. Virus


Study the diagram below:

The structure labelled I is _____

A. a pitcher.     B. an onion.     C. a flower.     D. a tendril


A student used the following steps in testing for a non-reducing sugar:

I. added Benedict’s solution to the sugar solution;
II. added dilute hydrochloric acid to the sugar solution and boiled it;
III. added sodium hydroxide solution to the solution in II and boiled;
IV. added Benedict’s solution to the cooled solution in lll

What is the importance of step II in the testing process? To

A. neutralize the sugar solution.
B. soften the sugar solution.
C. change the colour of the sugar solution.
D. increase the acid content of the sugar solution


Atmospheric nitrogen is directly replenished in nature through _______

A. the activities of denitrifyirig bacteria
B. the breakdown of ammonium salts in the soil
C. the activities of nitrifying bacteria
D. egestion, death and decay.


The number of alleles controlling blood groups in humans is ______

A. 5   B. 2   C. 3   D. 4


Which of the following hormonal glands is located on top of the kidneys?

A. Adrenal    B. Gonads    C. Pancreas     D. Pituitary


The stream fine shape of fishes is an adaptation for ______

A. securing mates.    B. easy movement.    C. obtaining food.    D. defense and attack.


Gaseous exchange in the lungs takes place in the _____

A. alveoli.    B. bronchi.    C. bronchioles.    D. nostrils.


Which of the following is true of smallpox?

A. It is transmitted by bacteria.
B. It can effectively be controlled with antibiotics.
C. It can effectively be controlled by vaccination.
D. It is a waterborne infection.


Which region of the human body is the thoracic Vertebra located?

A. Abdomen    B. Chest    C. Hip    D. Neck


Which of the following is NOT an excretory organ of mammals?

A. Kidneys    B. Liver    C. Lungs    D. Pancreas


Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of malaria parasite occurs in the

A. Malphigian tubules of mosquito
B. brain of humans
C. liver of humans
D. reticuloendothelial cells of humans.


The part of the brain responsible for peristalsis is the _____

A. olfactory lobe.   B. medulla oblongata.   C. hypothalamus.   D. thalamus.


The structure labeled II is the _______

A. clitellum   B. chaetae   C. spermathecal pore   D. cocoon


The part labelled II is the _____

A. nucleus.   B. eyespot.   C. basal granule.   D. contractile vacuole.


The brightly coloured eye spots on the hind wings of a moth are an example of ______

A. crypsis    B. mimicry    C. warning colouration    D. distruptive colouration.


Which of the following components make up an ecosystem?

A. Decomposers, animals and non-living factors
B. Living and non-living factors
C. Plants and non-living factors
D. Plants, decomposers and non-living factors


I Growth Is mainly apical
II Growth is specific with definite shape.
Ill Growth ¡s throughout life.

Which of the above correctly describes the growth pattern in plants?

A. I, II and III only.   B. II and III only.   C. I and II only.   D. I and III only.


Physiological adaptation to very dry condition in animals demonstrates _______

A. Hibernation   B. Aestivation    C. Rejuvenation   D. Xeromorphism


Oestrogen is a hormone that is synthesized in the _______

A. Anterior pituitary   B. Adrenal cortex   C. Ovaries   D. Testes


Adaptive radiation is illustrated in _______

A. modified insect mouthparts.
B. dentition in mammals.
C. wings in birds and bats.
D. appendages in insects.


The major limiting factor of productivity in the aquatic habitat is ______

A. food.   B. temperature.    C. water.    D. sunlight.


Which of the following is common to a dicotyledonous stem and a monocotyledonous root?

A. Medullary rays    B. Central pith    C. Wide cortex    D. Narrow cortex


The part marked X is used for

A. breathing.    B. feeding.    C. reproduction.    D. sucking

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