Mathematics Practice Test – Logical Reasoning

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y: Every great city was not built in a day
x: Kano is a great city

Which of these statements is true? (NECO 2019)

A. Every great city was built in a day
B. Kano was built in a day
C. Kano was not built in a day
D. Kano is not a great city


p and q are statements such that p ⇒ q. Which of the following is a valid conclusion from the implication? (WASSCE 2009 FM)

A. q ⇒ p
B. ∼q ⇒ p
C. ∼q ⇒ ∼p
D. ∼p ⇒ ∼q


p: I study hard
q: I pass physics
r: I am happy

Translate p ⇒ (q ∨ r) into statement (NECO 2017)

A. I am unhappy but I pass physics
B. I pass physics and I am happy
C. If I study hard, then I pass physics and I am happy
D. If I study hard, then I pass physics or I am happy


I: She is blind
II: It is dark
III: There is a veil on her face

Which face of the following combinations is true about a female student who cannot see to read?

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III only


Consider the following implications

p: A woman is legally allowed to marry when she is 18 years old

Which of the following statements is equivalent to p?

A. A woman is legally allowed to marry only when she is 18 years old
B. If a woman is not legally allowed to marry, then she is not 18 years old
C. If a woman is not 18 years old, then she is not legally allowed to marry
D. If a woman is legally allowed to marry, then she is 18 years old



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