Data Processing Practice Test – Data Modeling

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Why is it a mistake to use a text data type to store money values? (NECO 2015)

A. Calculation cannot be performed
B. Decimal place cannot be displayed
C. Currency sign cannot be displayed
D. Data cannot be sorted


Column 2 and 3 in the table above cannot be used as primary key because both fields contain ______ (WASSCE 2023)

A. the same datatype
B. only strings and numbers respectively
C. duplicate values
D. different datatypes


The database tool that allows the user to select and filter data from multiple tables is referred to as _______

A. form   B. query   C. report   D. table


A relational database model is designed according to set rules known as ______ (WASSCE 2018)

A. normalization      B. isolation     C. grouping     D. enumeration


The logical and physical structural arrangement of database to accommodate information needed by the user is called ______ (NECO 2015)

A. Conceptual design.
B. Database design.
C. Entity-relationship.
D. Relationship model.



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