Chemistry Practice Test – Metals and their Compounds

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When iron is finely divided, it will burn in oxygen to form the magnetic oxide with formula:

A. Fe2O3    B. FeO    C. Fe3O4    D. Fe2O3. 3H2O

The alloy used as gold dental contains gold plus _______

A. lead and tin.     B. iron and carbon.    C. copper and silver     D. aluminium and copper

Which of these is not an alloy of lead?

A. soft solder     B. pewter     C. type metal.     D. manganin

Metallic elements that give coloured salts in aqueous solution are called _______

A. alkali metals.     B. transition elements.       C. S-block metals.    D. noble elements

The best way of distinguishing between NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 is by ______

A. heating.     B. adding an alkali        C. adding an acid     D. exposing to air


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