Biology Practice Test – Transport Systems and Mechanisms (Questions with Answers and Explanations)

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Older parts of plant roots do not normally absorb water because ______ (WASSCE 2014)

A. they lack xylem
B. they have small surface area
C. the phloem is dead
D. they lack root hairs


Blood pressure is higher in the arteries as a result of _______ (WASSCE 2015)

A. stress    
B. contraction and relaxation    
C. blockage in the arteries
D. pressure of valves


A mixture of blood with antigen A and blood containing antibody A will ________ (WASSCE 2021)

A. lead to agglutination.
B. facilitate dissolution of clot.
C. have no effect on blood composition.
D. change the blood group.


The figure below is the vertical section through the heart.

Why is the part labelled 5 thicker than 6? (JAMB 1980)

A. 5 is the left ventricle and 6 the right ventricle
B. 6 is the left ventricle and 5 the right ventricle
C. 5 receives blood from the left auricle and 6 from the right
D. 5 pumps blood round the body and 6 pumps blood only into the lungs


Root hairs are developed from the _________ (JAMB 1983)

A. root apex     B. epidermis of roots      C. vascular bundles      D. endodermis



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