Biology Practice Tests – The Transport Systems

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Which of these factors does not contribute towards the ascent of water in plants?

A. Root pressure      B. Capillarity      C. Transpiration pull      D. Turgor pressure

Which of the following statements is true about transpiration? It is the ______

A. loss of water in the form of vapour from the surface of the leaf.
B. loss of water in the form of vapour from the surface of the leaf.
C. absorption of water in the form of vapour from the body of the plant.
D. movement of water through the body of the plant.

Which of the following treatments would increase the rate of transpiration in a potted plant?

A. Placing it in a cold room
B. Placing it under a fan in a room
C. Puffing it in a cupboard
D. Smearing grease on the lower surface of the leaves

Which of the following blood vessels have valves?

A. Capillary      B. Artery      C. Vein      D. Arteriole.

In the experiment, the layer of oil serves to prevent water loss by ______

A. transpiration      B. evaporation      C. osmosis      D. guttation


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