Biology Practice Tests – Plant and Animal Nutrition

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The lime water in container C turned milky because ______ (JAMB 1981)

A. carbon dioxide was produced by plant B during respiration
B. carbon dioxide entered C through the filter pump
C. oxygen reacts with lime water to produce milkiness
D. soda lime did not remove carbon dioxide from air

Which of the following groups of substances are not six-carbon compounds?

A. Glucose and lactose
B. Lactose and cellulose
C. Glucose, Lactose and Pyruvate
D. Pyruvate and cellulose

In the standard experiment to show that oxygen is given off during photosynthesis, sodium bicarbonate is used to ________ (JAMB 1987)

A. neutralize the acid in water
B. supply mineral salt to water plant
C. supply carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
D. kill microorganism in water

The following organisms are producers except _____

A. Hibiscus.    B. Mushroom.    C. Cactus.     D. Spirogyra

Mineral salts can be absorbed into the roots by _______ (JAMB 1989)

A. osmosis only
B. osmosis and diffusion
C. diffusion and active transport
D. imbition only


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