Biology Practice Test – Nutrient Cycling In Nature (Questions with Answers and Explanations)

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I – decomposer
II – producer
III – herbivore
IV – carnivore

What is the correct sequence for the circulation of carbon in nature? (WASSCE 2018)

A. IV → II → III → I
B. II → I → III → IV
C. III → IV → I → II
D. II → III → IV → I

The experiment is used to demonstrate that _____ (JAMB 2003)

A. plants lose water through guttation
B. transpiration occurs through the leaves
C. water is necessary for photosynthesis.
D. leaves are important to photosynthesis.

In the experiment, the layer of oil serves to prevent water loss by ______ (JAMB 2003)

A. transpiration
B. evaporation
C. osmosis
D. guttation.

In spite of the removal of carbondioxide from the atmosphere, its amount remains more or less constant because _______ (JAMB 1995)

A. it is produced by green plants during photosynthesis
B. it is produced during respiration by animals
C. it is absorbed in ocean water
D. green plants release it during the day

The by-product of photosynthesis is _____ (NECO 2015)

A. carbon(IV)oxide
B. hydrogen
C. oxygen
D. sugar



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